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Taking AIM is a documentary that explores the origins of the American Indian Movement. At a time of great social change and unrest, brave American Indians fought the injustice that had left them “... by George Slade   May 28, 2005  George Slade reviews "Hanta Po--All You Out of My Way: Dick Bancroft--A Photographic Retrospective of the...


Clyde H. Bellecourt is co-founder and National Director of American Indian Movement, and Executive Director of Heart of the Earth, Inc., in Minneapolis.  On May 20, 2011, Clyde delivered an...


This drum group has proven to be one of the most powerful drum groups on the powwow trail today. They have captivated powwow arenas from coast to coast with their unique original style of singing....


A 40 Year Photography & Art Retrospective of the American Indian Movement July 16th - July 31st, 2008SomArts Bay Gallery 934 Brannan Street (between 8th & 9th Streets)San Francisco, CA...